A dancing confrontation with the experiences of the choreographer and dancer in the ruined city of Ani on the Turkish-Armenian border: the work shows a rapprochement with the complexity of the place and illuminates the aspects of border, trace, tradition, and the passing on of memories. A game with different levels of presence creates a dialogue between different media, temporalities, and spaces.
Idee/Choreografie/Tanz: Jasmin İhraç
Kamera: Leyla Cömert, Yusuf Emre Yalçın
Schnitt: Noam Gorbat
Sound: Jan Brauer, Matija Vojvodić
Musik: „Denge“ von Zeynep Gedizlioğlu
Klavier: Nare Karoyan
Artistic Advice: Ayşe Orhon
Text: Taniel Varoujan
Projektion: Natalia Sookias
Fotos: Leyla Cömert, Meike Denker, Jasmin İhraç, Natalia Sookias, Nicolas Beck, Dimitris Alexakis, Kadir Yeniaras, Ute Langkafel Maifoto, Nar Photos