Credit: Nazlı Erdemirel

Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt

Özlem Günyol (*1977, Ankara) und Mustafa Kunt (*1978, Ankara) studierten Bildhauerei an der Hacettepe-Universität und an der Städelschule. In ihrer Arbeit untersuchen sie die Repräsentation individueller und kollektiver Zugehörigkeit, die Bedeutung von Sprache, Macht- und Autoritätssymbole, medial vermittelte Informationen und deren Verbindung zu kulturell kodierten Verständnismustern. Unter anderen haben Özlem Günyol und Mustafa Kunt folgende Preise und Stipendien erhalten: HAP Grieshaber Preis der VG Bild-Kunst (2017); Stipendium für Q21 im MuseumsQuartier in Wien (2016); Reisestipendium der Hessischen Kulturstiftung (2015-2016); ars-viva-Preis für Bildende Kunst (2012); Stipendium für das Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, New York (2011); Stipendium für die Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, Dublin (2011), J. W. Hector Kunstpreis (2009) sowie Förderpreis der Jürgen-Ponto-Stiftung (2007-2008). Ihre Werke sind derzeit in der Kunsthalle Baden-Baden in der Ausstellung Auditions for An Unwritten Opera bis zum 8. Oktober 2023, bei IMALAT-HANE im Rahmen der Ausstellung TEN: Abstractions, intimations, ruminations bis zum 2. Dezember 2023, und im Haifa Museum of Art in der Ausstellung Choreography of Resistance bis Ende Dezember 2023 zu sehen.

Özlem Günyol und Mustafa Kunt waren von Oktober 2022 bis Januar 2023 und erneut im Oktober 2023 Stipendiat:innen der Kulturakademie Tarabya.


Credit: Nazlı Erdemirel

Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt

Özlem Günyol (*1977, Ankara) ve Mustafa Kunt (*1978, Ankara) Hacettepe Üniversitesi ve Städelschule’de heykel öğrenimi gördüler. Frankfurt am Main kentinde sürdürdükleri çalışmalarında, bireysel ve kolektif aidiyetin temsili, dil ile iktidar ve hakimiyet imgeleri, medya üzerinden yayılan bilgiler ve onların kültürel olarak kodlanmış anlayış kalıplarıyla ilişkileri gibi konuları ele alıyorlar. İkilinin layık görüldükleri ödüller ve aldıkları burslar arasında şunlar yer alıyor: HAP Grieshaber Preis der VG Bild-Kunst (2017); Q21 bursu, Viyana Müze Bölgesi (2016); Hessen Kültür Vakfı’nın seyahat bursu (2015–16); güzel sanatlar dalında ars viva Ödülü (2012); Balmoral Sarayı Sanatçı Evi (2011), New York-Studio Grant bursu (2011), Dublin’deki Temple Bar Gallery and Studios (2011), Almanya’daki J.W. Hector Sanat Ödülü (2009), Jürgen Ponto Vakfı (2007-2008). Özlem Günyol ve Mustafa Kunt’un işleri şu sıralar Kunsthalle Baden-Baden’deki Auditions for An Unwritten Opera sergisinde 8 Ekim`e kadar, İMALAT-HANE bünyesindeki TEN: Abstractions, intimations, ruminations sergisinde ve Haifa Museum of Art salonlarındaki Choreography of Resistance sergisinde Aralık 2023’e kadar ziyaret edilebilir.

Özlem Günyol ve Mustafa Kunt konuk sanatçılarımız olarak Ekim 2022 ile Ocak 2023 arasında ve yeniden Ekim 2023’te Tarabya Kültür Akademisi’nde bulundu.

Credit: Nazlı Erdemirel

Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt

Özlem Günyol (*1977, Ankara) and Mustafa Kunt (*1978, Ankara) continued their studies at the Städelschule in Frankfurt after graduating from the sculpture department of Hacettepe University in Ankara in 2001. In their work, they examine the representation of individual and collective belonging, the meaning of language, symbols that represent power and authority, media-mediated information, and their connection to culturally coded patterns of understanding. Selected awards and scholarships they have received include; HAP Grieshaber Preis der VG Bild-Kunst, DE (2017); Fellowship for Q21, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, AT (2016); Travel Grant of Hessische Kulturstiftung, DE (2015-2016); ars viva Prize for Fine Arts, DE (2012); Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, New York-Studio Grant, US (2011); Temple Bar Gallery and Studios, Dublin, IE (2011), J.W. Hector Kunstpreis, DE (2009), Jurgen Ponto-Stiftung, DE (2007-2008) among others. Their works are on currently on display at the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden in the exhibition Auditions for An Unwritten Opera until October 8, at IMALAT-HANE in the exhibition TEN: Abstractions, intimations, ruminations and at the Haifa Museum of Art in the exhibition Choreography of Resistance until the end of December 2023.

Özlem Günyol and Mustafa Kunt were residents at Tarabya Cultural Academy from October 2022 to January 2023 and again in October 2023.