Andréas Lang: Broken Memories

The cult of memory and places of history and oblivion
Solo exhibition of Andréas Lang (photography, video installation) at DEPO, Istanbul
Opening: 18.04.23, 19.30h
Exhibition: 19.04.-30.06.2023
Open daily from 11–19h (except sunday and monday)
Andréas Lang has been working on the topic of memory and history in Turkey since his stipend and residency at Tarabya Cultural Academy. Through his images he reflects on disappearance, discontinuity, and the many layers of historical inscription in Turkish landscapes, that leaves visible cues about a collective memory rendered invisible.
The primary focus of my work is the exploration of landscapes, places, and their historical and mythological layers. A kind of visual archaeology, in which I reveal different layers that overlap, sometimes collide with social, political and ecological realities. The images lie in a state of limbo, between past and present, reality and imagination. Thus, the image also becomes a projection frame and often appears like a film set or a scenery. After a phase of intensive research, I travel to the places in question to produce images. (Andréas Lang)
The exhibition curated by Refik Akyüz and Serdar Darendeliler from GAPO (Geniş Açı Project Office), is supported by the Tarabya Cultural Academy Alumni-Funds in cooperation with DEPO, IFA, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Akademie der Künste and Stiftung Kunstfonds. A catalogue-book will be published in may with Kerber Editions