Exhibition | Three Doors

Exhibition | Three Doors
The exhibition Three Doors by Forensic Architecture, Forensis, the Initiative 19. Februar Hanau, and the Initiative in Remembrance of Oury Jalloh will run from 27.09 – 28.12.2024 at Depo in Istanbul. The award-winning exhibition examines structural racism and negligence of authorities during two episodes of racist violence in Germany. The exhibition has toured the country since its premiere at the Frankfurter Kunstverein in 2022, and now travels outside of Germany for the first time.
Expanding outwards from the exhibition, a public series of discussions, panels, roundtables, film screening, theatre play, and scenic reading will reflect on racism, social justice, and marginalization in Germany, and examining how ideologies and populist narratives based on hate and fearmongering may influence acts of violence and contribute to the marginalization of certain communities. The series will bring together experts, academics, artists, and activists to create space for dialogue, awareness-building, and community empowerment in both Germany and Turkey. This public programme is a collaboration between Goethe-Institut Istanbul, Anadolu Kültür, Stiftung Mercator, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Istanbul, and Tarabya Cultural Academy, and will feature voices from the Initiative 19. Februar Hanau and the Ferhat Unvar Education Initiative, two organisations formed by families of the victims of the 2020 racist terror attack in Hanau, Germany.
Three Doors exhibition by Forensic Architecture at Depo, 27.09 – 28.12.2024
Opening, 27 September 2024, 18:30
Opening Panel and Exhibition Tour: Introduction to the Three Doors Project,
28 September 2024, 14:30
Speakers: Robert Trafford (Forensic Architecture), Dimitra Andritsou (Forensis), Representatives from the Initiative 19. Februar Hanau and Ferhat Unvar Education Initiative, who will also accompany Newroz Duman at the exhibition tour after the panel, and representatives from partner institutions (Goethe-Institut Istanbul, Anadolu Kültür, Stiftung Mercator, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Istanbul, Tarabya Cultural Academy)
Exhibition Tour: Three Doors exhibition tours with Newroz Duman,
28 September, 4 October, and 22 November 2024, 17:30
Roundtable: Aesthetic Refractions of the NSU Complex,
12 October 2024, 14:30
Speakers: Başak Ertür (Goldsmiths Centre for Research Architecture), Banu Karaca (Forum Transregionale Studien), Ayşe Güleç (Curator and Educator), Natascha Sadr Haghighian (Artist)
Scenic Reading: Necati Öziri: Vatermal (2023), – CANCELLED
1 November 2024, 17:30
Performed by: Necati Öziri (Writer) & Esme Madra (Actress)
Panel Discussion: Racist Murders in Turkey – The Cases of Festus Okey and Dina,
9 November 2024, 14:30
Speakers: Murat Deha Boduroğlu (Lawyer), Banu Cennetoğlu (Artist), Gülyeter Aktepe (Lawyer), Fatma Gül Altındağ (Activist)
Theatre Play: Tuğsal Moğul: AND NOW HANAU @ Kumbaracı 50,
13 & 14 December 2024, 20:30
Partners: Theater Münster, Theater Oberhausen, Kumbaracı50
In Conversation: Eyal Weizman (Founder, Forensic Architecture) on Forensic Architecture’s Working Methods,
14 December 2024, 14:30
Film Screening: Aslı Özarslan: Ellbogen (2024) @ Beyoğlu Sineması,
15 December 2024, 19:00