Angelika Overath
Angelika Overath, born in 1957 in Karlsruhe, has published four novels, two volumes of poetry (Romansh-German) and essays. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Egon Erwin Kisch Prize for literary reportage and Ernst Willner Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition. She developed her novel Ein Winter in Istanbul (2018) (A Winter in Istanbul) at Tarabya Cultural Academy. Zehra Aksu Yilmazer translated her novel Flughafenfische (Airport Fish) and a selection from the biographical essay “Rätsel” (Riddle), which make up the volume Bilme Celer. Together with Nursel Gülenaz, Overath has edited and translated poems by three important representatives of the Turkish avant-garde movement “New Second”: So träume und verschwinde ich. Liebesgedichte von Edip Cansever, Cemal Süreya und Turgut Uyar (2020) (This is how I Dream and Disappear. Love poems by Edip Cansever, Cemal Süreya and Turgut Uyar). Her most recent publications are Nahe Tage (Near Days) (2021), an expanded new edition of her debut novel, and Krautwelten (Cabbage Worlds) (2021), a non-fiction literary book about cabbage plants. Overath is currently working on the second volume of her Istanbul trilogy.
Angelika Overath was a resident at Tarabya Cultural Academy from December 2015 to February 2016, from April to June 2017 and from December 2017 to March 2018.