Emre Koyuncuğlu & Simon Wachsmuth
Emre Koyuncuoğlu, born 1966 in Istanbul, is a theater director, playwright and translator. She studied anglistics at Boğazici University and theater sciences at Istanbul University. She has worked at prestigious theaters both in Turkey and abroad, for example in France, Great Britain and in Freiburg, Germany, where she showed an interpretation of Nathan the Wise (Lessing). Currently Koyuncuoğlu is deputy artistic director at Istanbul’s municipal theaters, curator for open air performances at Sakıp Sabancı Museum and instructor at Koç University.
Simon Wachsmuth, born 1964 in Hamburg, is a media and concept artist living and working in Berlin. He studied painting and visual communication at the University for applied arts in Vienna. His works have been shown in various solo and group exhibitions, for example at Documenta 12 (Kassel), at the Istanbul Biennale (2009) and Busan Biennale (2012). The construction and reconstruction of historical narratives is a central topic of his work. In his installations, he often combines archive materials with films, objects, sound or performative elements. Simon Wachsmuth has been awarded numerous awards, such as the MARTA award of the Wemhöner Foundation and the Outstanding Artist Award of the Chancellery in Vienna.
Emre Koyuncuoğlu & Simon Wachsmuth are the first tandem of the German-Turkish co-production grants, supported by the Allianz Kulturstiftung, who where residents from October 2021 to January 2022 at the Tarabya Cultural Academy.