Gürsoy Doğtaş
Gürsoy Doğtaş is an art historian, publicist and curator who works at the intersection of institutional criticism, structural racism and queer studies. He did his doctorate at the LMU Munich on Chantal Mouffe’s theory of democracy in the exhibition discourse of the biennials (2020). He has been giving lectures and talks since 2014. Doğtaş curated the discursive program Public Art Munich (2018) and exhibitions such as Die kalte Libido im Haus der Kunst, Munich (2015) and The dress does not fit, Charim Galerie, Vienna (2013). From 2007 to 2013 he was the editor of the Artistzine Matt Magazine. As part of the ICI (Independent Curators International) in New York, he co-edited the publication The Politics of the Melancholic Voice – Zeki Müren’s ‘Kahır Mektubu’ (Letter of Sorrow) about the culture-specific melancholy of the Turkish singer Zeki Müren. In 2017 he was invited by the Wiener Festwochen to his novel project Zeki Müren – The exhibited life (An unauthorized biography).
Gürsoy Doğtaş was resident of the Tarabya Cultural Academy from April to May 2021 and again from August to September 2021.