Katja Lange-Müller
Katja Lange-Müller, born 1951 in East Berlin, GDR, was a typesetter and assistant nurse in psychiatry before she studied literature in Leipzig. In November 1984 she applied for an exit visa to West Berlin, where she still lives today. Lange-Müller’s literary work, which is shaped by German-German history, has received numerous awards, including the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize, Alfred Döblin Prize, Wilhelm Raabe Prize, and the Kassel Literature Prize for Grotesque Humor. In 2013 she received the Kleist Prize and in 2017 the Günter Grass Prize. In autumn 2007 she published the novel Böse Schafe (Angry Sheep) and in autumn 2016 the novel Drehtür (Revolving Door). Her new novel, Unser Ole (Our Ole), is expected to be out in 2023.
Katja Lange-Müller was a resident at Tarabya Cultural Academy from October 2013 to June 2014.