Nicolas Dunston
Nicolas Dunston is a composer, improviser and bass player. He has performed internationally at festivals in North America and Europe and has played with artists such as Marc Ribot, Ches Smith, Imani Uzuri, Ingrid Laubrock, Anna Webber and Vijay Iyer. In addition to three studio albums released under his name, he has composed commissioned works for ensembles such as Bang on a Can, Jack Quartet, Bass Players for Black Composers, Maggie Cox and Joy Guidry. Dunston was an artist-in-residence at the Wet Ink Ensemble for the 2021-2022 season.
Nicolas Dunston was a resident at Tarabya Cultural Academy in February 2023 and April to May 2023

Nicolas Dunston
Nicolas Dunston besteci, doğaçlamacı ve bas sanatçısı. Kuzey Amerika ve Avrupa’da uluslararası festivallere katıldı, Marc Ribot, Ches Smith, Imani Uzuri, Ingrid Laubrock, Anna Webber ve Vijay Iyer gibi santçılarla birlikte sahne aldı. Kendi adıyla yayımlanan üç stüdyo albümünün yanı sıra, Bang on a Can, JACK Quartet, Bass Players for Black Composers, Maggie Cox ve Joy Guidry gibi toplulukların siparişleri üzerine besteler yaptı. Dunston, 2021-2022 sezonunda artist-in-residence olarak Wet Ink Ensemble ile çalıştı.
Nicolas Dunston Şubat ile Mayıs 2023 ayların arasında Tarabya Kültür Akademisi konuk sanatçısı olarak İstanbul’da bulundu.

Nicolas Dunston
Nicolas Dunston ist Komponist, Improvisateur und Bassist. Er ist international auf Festivals in Nordamerika und Europa aufgetreten und hat mit Künstler:innen wie Marc Ribot, Ches Smith, Imani Uzuri, Ingrid Laubrock, Anna Webber und Vijay Iyer gespielt. Neben drei Studioalben, die unter seinem Namen veröffentlicht wurden, hat er Auftragsarbeiten von Ensembles wie Bang on a Can, JACK Quartet, Bass Players for Black Composers, Maggie Cox und Joy Guidry komponiert. Dunston war Artist-in-Residence beim Wet Ink Ensemble für die Saison 2021-2022.
Nicolas Dunston war im Februar 2023 und von April bis Mai 2023 Stipendiat der Kulturakademie Tarabya.